10 facts about Men's attraction

  1. Men's attraction is as diverse as the colors in a rainbow, ranging from the physical to the intellectual, a fascinating blend of chemistry and connection.

  2. Men have a secret sixth sense that activates when they're asked to find something in the refrigerator – it's called "selective blindness."

  3. Men's ability to remember sports statistics is directly proportional to their ability to forget anniversaries.

  4. The real reason men go to the gym is to prepare for the intense sport of reaching the TV remote without getting off the couch.

  1. Men have a mysterious talent for losing their keys, wallet, and phone all at the same time, yet they can remember every play in their favorite video game.

    What man says?

  1. When a man says he'll fix something, it usually means he's going to look at it, poke it a few times, and then call a professional.

  2. Men's grocery shopping strategy involves wandering around the store until they bump into something that looks edible and doesn't require cooking skills beyond pressing "start" on the microwave.

  3. Men believe they can fix anything with duct tape, WD-40, or a combination of the two – the universal toolkit.

  4. Men have a complex relationship with instructions; they're like roadmaps – mostly ignored until they get lost.

  5. Men are convinced that asking for directions is a sign of weakness, even if they've been driving in circles for an hour.

  6. The true test of a man's multitasking skills is trying to watch a game, listen to his partner, and pretend to understand the plot of a romantic comedy all at once.

