Getting ready for first date - Facts

  1. On a first date, laughter echoed through the restaurant as they bonded over shared interests, turning awkward moments into delightful memories.

  2. First dates are like job interviews

    First dates are like job interviews, but instead of selling your skills, you're trying not to spill spaghetti on yourself. Multitasking at its finest!

  3. Choosing what to wear on a first date is a delicate balance between looking your best and making it seem like you didn't spend three hours deciding on the perfect outfit. Casual chic or meticulously planned nonchalance? Decisions, decisions.

  1. First dates are the only time it's socially acceptable to Google someone extensively before meeting them. Just be careful not to accidentally like a photo from 2010 and reveal your online stalking skills.

  2. Awkward silences on a first date are nature's way of testing your improv skills. Quick, think of something interesting to say that doesn't involve the weather or the menu!

  3. Ordering food on a first date is a strategic operation

  4. Ordering food on a first date is a strategic operation. You want to appear easy-going but not too easy-going, adventurous but not too adventurous, and definitely not the person who orders spaghetti and meatballs.

  5. The moment you realize you have something stuck in your teeth during a first date is when your inner superhero, "Captain Awkward," makes an unexpected appearance. Quick, signal for the toothpick!

  6. First dates are like a live comedy show; you're hoping for laughter, but there's always the risk of awkward silence or worse—cringe-worthy jokes.

  7. Calculating the perfect balance

  8. Calculating the perfect balance between being interested and not coming across as overly eager is the dating equivalent of trying to split an atom. Good luck with that delicate dance.

  9. First dates are the only situation where you become a detective, psychologist, and mind reader simultaneously. The mission: figuring out if they're as into you as you are into them.

  10. The post-date text message is a delicate dance of emojis, punctuation, and witty banter. It's like crafting a tiny piece of art that says, "I had a great time, and I'm not desperate, but I'd totally be up for doing it again if you are."

