Spring alerts and funny short facts


  1. Is Spring the most beautiful of them all?

  2. Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" It's the season where flowers bloom, birds sing, and pollen throws the biggest party of all.

  3. Spring is the time when people trade their winter blues for allergy sneezes. Who knew that flowers could be so rude?

  4. Spring cleaning is just an elaborate excuse to find all the things you lost during hibernation. Spoiler alert: You'll still lose your keys.

  5. Spring is the only season where you can experience all four seasons in one day. Just bring a jacket, sunscreen, an umbrella, and maybe some snow boots, just in case.

  6. The real MVP of spring is the lawnmower

  7. Spring bravely facing a jungle of grass that went untouched during the winter. It's the unsung hero of suburban neighbourhoods.

  8. Spring is like a second New Year's resolution. You promised to exercise more, but you end up just exercising your right to eat ice cream in the sun.

  9. Spring is the time when everyone becomes a meteorologist. "Is that a cloud or just a blob of mashed potatoes in the sky?"

  10. Spring is the season where ants suddenly remember they have jobs to do and decide to invade your kitchen. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?

  11. Forget about Groundhog Day; spring is the real predictor of how many days you can procrastinate your summer body preparations.

  12. Spring is when you realize you have a love-hate relationship with gardening. You love the idea of a beautiful garden, but you hate the idea of weeding, watering, and remembering which plants are the high-maintenance divas.
